Thursday, October 13, 2016

Confession #9: Last night I was too tired to I didn't.

This could be my go to prayer as of late. It seems like lately (past few weeks) I've been tired to the point of exhaustion. It would seem crazy that knowing this I would choose to take on this challenge but I did. There's actually some health reasons along with just what's going in my life right now to make the  exhaustion that has hit me almost bring me to the point of crashing.

Luckily, after first facing this extreme type of exhaustion last year before being properly diagnosed I've learned to pick up on the cues my body starts to send me. I consider it a win that I crash anywhere from 9 - 10 pm  instead of the 2 or 3 pm window. I'll share more about my Hashimotos Thyroiditis in a future post. It's kind of a long story and as you can see from tonight's post, I'm too tired to tell it now. LOL.

So back to last night. I was exhausted. Normally I would push on through and throw together a post. I committed to this challenge and I've pushed through the exhaustion before in order to stand true to my commitment. But not last night. Last night I gave myself the rest I deserved without any guilt whatsoever. As women and moms we sometimes set our expectations and standards so high that we forget to take care of ourselves. That is not ok.

Sweet sister, don't over work yourself. You don't have to be supermom, or wife, or sister, or coworker, or friend. You are perfect just the way you are. You have permission to rest...even God did on the seventh day.

Much Love,

**This is part of the 31 day series: Confessions of a Faithonista**

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