
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Why do we worship? - Part 1

The Question:

Why do we worship?


The Answer:

“First, because he’s worthy. Second, because that is what we were created to do.” George Piazzi


Sounds pretty simple and straightforward enough, doesn’t it? Then why is it so hard for us to worship? Why do we find ourselves waiting for Sunday, the next midweek service, concert, or women’s conference in order to “get our worship on”? Could it be, maybe just maybe, that we aren’t believing  one or both of the truths stated above? I know that I’ve been there myself, not once or twice, but rather many a time. And depending on what was going on in my life and heart, would be the area where I would be lacking faith.

Let’s take a look at the first one. Because He is worthy. That in and of its own is reason enough for us to worship, want to worship, and aspire to worship our Lord 24/7. But for some reason it doesn’t work out that way. It’s not like I’d ever say out loud or even in my thoughts that the Lord isn’t worthy. Never. I would never in a million years utter those words. I doubt the thought would even cross my mind. And there is the problem, God’s worthiness, along with all of His other divine attributes is not a matter of thought or knowledge. You see, I know 100% that He is worthy. I know this with every fiber of my being. I know it when I am sad. I know it when I’m angry. I know it when I’m excited, happy, and joyous.

You see it’s not the knowing that’s the problem, it’s our hearts that are the problem. Yes, we can know things all day long but if we don’t believe it in our hearts, it’s useless information. It might sound harsh or discouraging to you but don’t lose heart. Follow along with me, because this is actually great news. The Lord makes our hearts new, all we need to do is ask. His word says, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” – Ezekiel 36:26


So you might be thinking to yourself, “What is she talking about? I have a new heart. He gave me one years ago when I came to know the Lord.” You’re right! You do have a new heart and that’s why you have the ability to take the truth of the fact that God is worthy from the confines of your brain to the bottom of your heart. How do we do this? Isn’t this automatic when we come into relationship with the Lord? Well, yes and no. The truth is we do get a new heart, a heart capable of loving like Christ does, of being compassionate when the world hits you hard, a heart to forgive the unforgivable, an amazing heart capable of amazing and miraculous things! So what’s stopping us? Why aren’t these truths sinking in? Why is hard to worship? Why can’t we let old grudges go?

It’s because we have wounds, battle scars, tears in our hearts that haven’t been healed. The Lord is waiting for us to come to Him to heal our hearts from betrayal, abuse, trauma, harsh words, financial difficulties, bitterness, anger, sadness, depression, anxiety, abandonment, loneliness…He wants to heal it all. The more scars and battle wounds we have the harder it is for truths to sink into our hearts. They become scabs, barriers, walls that prevent us from fully experience God’s love. How does all of this tie into worship? Well, if our hearts are filled with wounds and battle scars there’s no room for His truth and love to sink in. If I asked you if wanted a deeper worship life, your answer might be yes or no. Totally fair, I get the whole personal preference thing. Now if I asked you if you wanted to feel more of God’s love and presence in your life, I’d have a hard time believing that any believer would answer no to this question. You see my sweet peeps, a lifestyle of worship comes naturally as the overflow of knowing that you are loved by your Heavenly Father. It won’t feel forced, it won’t be a burden, and you will desire to do it more and more every chance you get.

So what to do? Easy, find a quiet place alone with your thoughts or journal and invite the Holy Spirit to search your heart. To find the wounds that have become a wall stopping you from feeling all the love the Lord has for you. It’s hard to get to that place sometimes. We have been conditioned to believe that being quiet or alone is a bad thing. But you aren’t alone, you are with the Lord. If you need something to help you get into a spirit of prayer, listen to this song, Good Good Father by House Fires,as you go to our father in prayer.

Holy Spirit search our hearts today for anything that is stopping us from receiving and believing in our hearts ALL of the love you have for us. Show us how to bring those things to Our Heavenly Father so that through His Son Jesus Christ, we may be healed. Lord make us whole. Lord heal our hearts. It’s in Jesus’ sweet and Holy Name that we pray. Amen.

This post was so much longer than I originally had in mind that I think it will be easier for us to split it into two posts. So tomorrow we will delve into the reason we were created for: to Worship Him!

Many Blessings,



  1. Hello Cristina !
    I love this Scripture in Ezekiel and pray it over myself. I am fully aware that I received a new heart at salvation but I know I have a heart of stone in many ways, and in many circumstances. I need God to continually remake my heart and bring me to a closer relationship with Him so I can reach out to others and be all He created me to be in Him! Thank you for this post Cristina! <3

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Liz! It's so encouraging for me. Your posts have always ministered to me in many waves. You are a courageous and loving woman of God! Keep shining His light, this world needs it :)

  2. So glad I found you, Christina! I need to check out that song by House Fires.

    1. Tara, thanks for connecting and reading the blog! I love your encouragement and how you're so sweet :) If you click on the words "good good father" in the post it should take you to the video directly! Have a blessed day
