
Thursday, August 18, 2016

Today I met a man named Bill

Today I met a man named Bill.
He caught my eye.
Something about him made me turn around.
Something about him made me approach him.
He was sweet to indulge me in my request. 
He walked with me.
He shared a bit of his story with me.
He smiled.
We laughed.
My heart grew.
I knew our time together would be brief...
And as soon as it started I knew it was coming to an end.
Then an amazing thing happened.
He let me buy him lunch.
Yes, he let me.
It was my honor. It was my privilege.
To give back just a little bit to one who gave so much for us.
You see Bill is a veteran.
Bill had so many different pins that represented honors on his cap that I didn't have time to count them.
Bill is like so many other "Bills" that I know.
Bill is kind. Bill is funny. Bill is great company.
Bill wears glasses. Bill could be someone's Bill.
But he's not.
Bill is homeless.
Bill pushes around a wheelchair that carries all of his worldly possessions.
He's not bitter. He's sweet.
He considers himself a "professional traveler".
He lit up today not because of the lunch he got to choose.
Not because of the small amount of money that I was able to give him.
Today he lit up because he was no longer invisible.
He was someone's Bill.
He was my Bill.
Bill is a veteran and homeless.
Those two words should never be together in one sentence.
Don't be blind to the Bills living around you.
Don't be blind to the invisible people.