
Sunday, October 4, 2015

So what do they mean by "worship"?

God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.

I had never stumbled onto this verse until today as I was getting ready to write this post. I was just blown away by beauty of it and floored by the amount of power there was in this simple truth. But let's take a second and focus on the word "worship". It's a word that means so many different things depending on who you ask. Sometimes it might even have a negative connotation to it, implying that you are obsessed or too focused on a a person or thing. Because of this and the fact that I'll be writing on the topic, I want for us to discover why exactly this means or should mean to a follower of Christ, and most importantly - what worship means to you!

So here is the definition of worship according to www.dictionary.com:

reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred.
formal or ceremonious rendering of such honor and homage:
adoring reverence or regard:
the object of adoring reverence or regard.
verb (used with object)worshiped, worshiping or (especiallyBritishworshipped, worshipping.
to render religious reverence and homage to.
to feel an adoring reverence or regard for (any person or thing).
verb (used without object)worshiped, worshiping or(especially Britishworshipped, worshipping.
to render religious reverence and homage, as to a deity.
to attend services of divine worship.
to feel an adoring reverence or regard.

Now, I won't go into a grammar or English course, but if you notice in the definition above, the word worship can either be used as a noun or an action. It's either a "thing" or something we do. For those of you reading that attend church regularly or have in the past, worship might mean to you the time spent in song and music at the beginning of a service. For those that don't, worship might just mean idolizing or obsessively loving or rendering homage to something. And you know what? Your both right. The type of worship I'll be writing about for the next 30 days is the worship we offer the Most High God, and it's a mix of those types of worship but also so much more.

As followers of Christ, we are called to worship God and only God, but more than that, we were created to worship Him constantly in everything we do. How do we do that? I'm not a worship singer. Actually I have no musical talent whatsoever, yet that will not stop me from worshipping my God as much and as proudly as I can. The angels in Heaven worship Him 24/7, they call out to Him and bow before Him singing "Holy, Holy, Holy!". How can it be honoring to God if I only go to Him in worship on Sunday mornings or when there's an event at church? How do I bring worship to Him every waking second of my life without scaring people away with my singing or having my husband call the loony bin on me? Then I ask myself, 

"Is there space in my life to worship constantly right now?"

Yes. That's the tough question that I want us to pray on as we walk this journey together. Is there space in your life RIGH NOW to offer worship to your Heavenly Father and Savior on a constant, consistent, and regular basis? If the answer is not YES, I need you to:

            1. PRAY.

Sweet peeps, tribe members, brothers and sisters I say this in love...I say this to myself: There are people, things, programs, objects, charities, friends, artists, pastors, celebrities, children, possessions, you fill in the blank, that we are worshipping. They are little "g" gods that our distracting us from from our true mission, what we were created for in the first place - worshipping God.

Our first step is to identify. Then we repent of worshipping other things besides God. Don't confuse this with guilt and DO NOT put yourself down for it. The beauty of the Holy Spirit is that once we ask and He reveals, we just take it to The Lord. We surrender it to Him and we MOVE ON. No looking back! Maybe you didn't realize that you were worshipping other things, and that's OK! Today is a new day! It's the first day of INTENTIONALLY seeking to worship God as often and as boldly as possible while you are still on this side of Heaven. And that, IS SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE!

Make the decision to make this a priority in your life and I'll be doing the same and standing with you in prayer. We will hold each other accountable (because that's what brothers and sisters do). And together we will learn how to worship the Almighty in ways we have never thought about before. It will be a lifestyle change, a way of life, a new beginning! I'm excited, are you? What things did God reveal that you were worshipping instead of Him? Share, comment, discuss. We're all in this together and your struggle might just open the eyes of someone else to their truth.

Much love and Blessing,

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