
Monday, October 17, 2016

Confession #14: You can keep your casserole...'cause I don't want it!

As you can probably guess, this post really isn't about casseroles at all. Okay, well maybe just a little bit. To be perfectly honest I have nothing against casseroles. I find some of them delicious, though I don't care for green bean casserole. But I digress, as that is a post all its own. This post is more about what the act of bringing a casserole to someone represents. 

Problem is that tonight I find myself fighting the fatigue that sucks my energy to the point where I actually weigh the option of whether I will shower tonight or wait until the morning. YEs, tonight it's that bad. Thing is, this confession has been stirring inside of me for a few days and I want to commit to writing this post. So this is my place holder, my commitment, my to be continued post. I'll pick this topic up tomorrow and unpack it because tonight I'm just too tired to. 

I appreciate you stopping by and don't want you to leave empty handed, and for this reason I share with you an awesome casserole recipe!

Much Love, 

**This is part of the 31 day series: Confessions of a Faithonista**

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